{Winter Photography Tips | Educational}

February 02, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Did you know that winter is one my favorite seasons for photography?

I love photographing all year long... but winter really is an underrated time of year to bring the camera out!


Tip #1: Winter afternoon light is great because it has a softer quality and comes from a lower angle than in the summer months. 

It's perfect for capturing dreamy backlight, which just so happens to be my favorite! 


Tip #2: Bright white snow acts as a huge natural reflector which illuminates your subject beautifully

and also minimizes colors casts like those green tones you might see in summer from grass and leaves! 


Tip #3: Don't let negative temperatures stop you!

Simply dress for the weather and make sure you wear gloves so you don't miss out on some really great photo opportunities.

This particular images was taken at 22 degrees fahrenheit below zero! 


Tip #4: Frost can add a lot of visual interest to detail shots! 


Tip #5: Snow also adds a wonderful element of interest to photos.

You might have a challenge focusing at times because the falling snow may fool the camera's focus

and throw your subject out of focus. You may want to try manual focus or just be prepared to take multiple snaps. 

I hope you enjoyed this short series of tips! If you have questions feel free to share them. Happy winter shooting! 


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