{Creative Inspiration | Behind the Lens | What Inspires my Photography}

January 13, 2019  •  1 Comment

What inspires me as a photographer and gets my creative gears moving?

Light! Soft light, hard light, back light, winter light, autumn light, low light...

Sometimes while I'm working at the farm I see such gorgeous light I just HAVE to run and get my camera! There are times I can't stop working so I just try to soak in the magical light, but it does drives me crazy when I don't have time to capture it.

I make mental notes about how light translates in certain situations so I can use that inspiration future photo shoots. 

One of my favorite ways to recharge and play with the light and creative ideas is simply walk around the farm with my camera. 

I enjoy shooting all year long and in all sorts of weather, this adds a lot a variety and creative potential.

I absolutely love shooting in the snow. It adds such a neat look to images! 

My clients come up with awesome ideas as well, the creative process can be a group effort! 

Trying new angles, perspectives, focal lengths and lighting situations help keep things fresh. 

I hope you enjoyed this short insight into my creative process! 


Jean Toews(non-registered)
I love your photos! Wish you lived closer!
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